Growing Gang recycling

Our very own plastic mountain! GO Local Food – whose members are known for their concern for the environment and in particular their dislike of plastic wrapped food and veg. was asked to collect up plastic bottles for a project with the children’s Growing Gang. Within 12 weeks we have collected a huge pile of empty clear bottles (you can’t quite see them all here).

growing gang plastic project

Though they are not all ours, it shows how hard we need to work to be plastic free. But the Growing Gang has started on the big task of building a cold frame already this year at one of it’s monthly meetings.

Plastic bottle cold frame


Why should organic be important but have to be labelled. Let the other produce bear the burden of inventing the label.

think organic produce


Thought for the day

Thought for the day from another website; mind you all the work shares and management involved in Go Local Food will be able to tell you that it’s the effort put in to produce real food that has something to do with it.

cost of real food

Dogwood Fencing

dogwood fencing on bordersOn a visit to Knightshayes NT in Devon, one of our members spotted dogwood being used as a frame in the kitchen garden. Apparently the dogwood was left over from pruning so an excellent case of recycling! Branches and nets were used for peas and beans although Ian, our grower’s Heras fencing at Go Local Food also does the trick! Do you think we have the time, the prunings and the skills to do something like this on the Go Local Food fields or whether it would slow down harvesting crop shares each week.